Discovering Hjallastefnan schools in Iceland

Gleðilegan miðvikudag <3 – Happy Wednesday. This is what you can read every day when you enter Hjallastefnan schools in Iceland. Schools where happiness and positivity reigns. But they also have another particularity. Hjallastefnan – or the Hjalli model ( – fights for gender equality and counters gender stereotypes. It has now existed for 30 …

Model Moms

Our Dark Side Challenge concept keeps spinning off new ideas and concepts. This time, it’s the Model Moms! It’s not about fashion models. And just relax – it’s not about being the perfect mother either. This is about engaging girls in STEM by building models – in wood, metal, plastic, numbers or code… or even …

Journée francophone du 25 février 2018 – Programmation et équations différentielles

Programmation et équations différentielles Journée francophone, dimanche 25 février 2018 1) Pour commencer: Dans le navigateur internet, aller sur 2) Dans la documentation, trouver comment dessiner un rectangle En dessiner trois. Ou autre chose, comme on veut :) 3) Animer un des objets dessinés Créer une variable, par exemple var x = 0; Créer …

The Loop

In my previous article I described how one can use a differential equation to calculate the trajectory of the Earth around the Sun. But at the end it was quite tedious so I decided to use a computer instead. Because they are good at repeating things. One way to make a computer do the same …

The Structure

In a not too distant future, humankind has started constructing a gigantic platform orbiting {the Moon, Earth, the Sun…}. Building blocks are mined on the Moon and sent into space using an electromagnetic railgun. On Earth, gravity effectively limits the size of anything we want to build. In space however, there are no such limitations. …