Interdisciplinary science education under the umbrella term S.T.E.A.M.

Learning core sciences from a hands-on approach S.T.E.A.M-based education encompasses the practice and learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. STEAM is an educational discipline that aims to spark an interest and lifelong love of the arts and sciences in children from an early age. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math are similar fields …

The great reading challenge

This year, we have an exceptionally large group of pre-readers in school. Almost a quarter of the kids have come straight from kindergarten. They all know the alphabet and most can at least read syllables, but before summer vacation few in this group could confidently read instructions in their textbooks.  Traditional reading training, where one …

Discovering Hjallastefnan schools in Iceland

Gleðilegan miðvikudag <3 – Happy Wednesday. This is what you can read every day when you enter Hjallastefnan schools in Iceland. Schools where happiness and positivity reigns. But they also have another particularity. Hjallastefnan – or the Hjalli model ( – fights for gender equality and counters gender stereotypes. It has now existed for 30 …

On the subtle connection between girls and STEM

It was back in the late ’90s, we were attending DTU’s course on digital electronics. Given the “historical” context – the upcoming bubble and digital revolution – it would turn out to be an important course. It gave us insights into the inner workings of computers, the foundations of the Internet-based society. In the …

Drôles de drones

Chers tous Le programme de STEM de cette saison est à présent prêt: nous allons construire, piloter, démonter, reprogrammer, imprimer (en 3D), customizer, recombiner… des robots.         Le programme a été conçu pour faire particulièrement appel au filles, entre autre en concevant les sessions autour d’histoires pertinentes. Les sessions auront lieu les …